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The Weinstein/Tamres relationship timeline
4 B.C. (approximately) Jesus is Born
1980 A.D. Ronald Reagan is elected president
November 1995 Adam registers for physics 103 at Franklin & Marshall.
February - May 1996 Adam and Andrea sit near each other in physics 103 at F&M.
August 1996 Adam and Andrea have first date-esque experience at Nissely Vineyards in Columbia, PA. Andrea's friend Lisa (who brings some guy named Brad) comes along to keep everyone behaving like a little gentleman or lady.
Early October 1996 Andrea's mother advises Andrea to go out with Adam with the now foreshadowing words, "Give it a try, it's not like you are marrying him."
October 16, 1996 Andrea and Adam officially agree they are "more than just friends."
December 1996 Adam and Andrea's parents go out to dinner. Adam's mom talks for the entire duration of dinner. A second dinner is held to allow Andrea's mother and stepfather a chance to speak.
June 1997 Adam and Andrea graduate from F&M.
August 1997 Adam begins Medical School at the University of Maryland (a.k.a. The Other Great Hospital).
September 1997 Andrea begins working at the Wilmer Eye institute.
November 14, 1997 Adam and Andrea go out for dinner and a movie.
June 26, 1998 Adam and Andrea move in together. While reaction is generally positive from their families, many hold their tongue. However, one of Adam's cousins asks him, "What the hell are you doing?"
July 2, 1998 Adam and Andrea enter arbitration to mediate the placement of various implements in the kitchen.
July 4, 1998 Mediation efforts are suspended and the first BBQ at 2102 Aliceanna (A&A's home) is held.
July 14, 1998 In the spirit of Bastille Day, Adam and Andrea agree the knives go to the left of the salad forks in the 2nd drawer to the left in the kitchen. Mediation efforts end with this breakthrough agreement.
August 1998 Adam begins his second year of medical school.
We are now in the dark period in which Adam wakes up every day to go to some ridiculous medical school lecture and with very little other exciting happenings, so let's go to...
June 1999 Adam and Andrea go on a cruise to Bermuda with Adam's Parents. (Or was it Adam's parents go on a cruise and take Adam and Andrea with them?) Either way, a hurricane ends their trip early with the ship doing a rapid about face and racing towards a jam-packed 6 hour stay in Martha's Vineyard (yes in Massachusetts!) before heading home.
July 1999 Adam begins his third year of medical school.
Late October 1999 Andrea Begins her new job in the Johns Hopkins Dept. of Rheumatology.
One week later (following a strenuous first week of her new job) Andrea is stranded in St. Martin during a hurricane that hits the Island. In the spirit of CBS's Survivor Andrea, her mom, and step dad periodically take votes to get rid of one of them. Unfortunately, since this was a real (as opposed to staged) event no one could leave. Meanwhile, Adam is at home being abused by the surgery department at University Hospital.
January 2000 Adam and Andrea spend a lovely weekend in St. Michael, MD. Adam eats goose liver for the first time. The goose doesn't seem to mind.
March 2000 Adam and Andrea travel to Boston, MA and stay with Andrea's aunt Sandy and Uncle Bill. A&A have dinner outside on a very nippley night in Boston with Woman in Waiting Jenn and the same some guy named Brad (who was at the first A&A date).
April 2000 Adam begins secret mission RQX25, ring shopping.
May 2000 Adam and Andrea go to Williamsburg with Lisa (see August 1996 reference) and her friend Jeremy. Besides visiting colonial America during Virginia's 2 day monsoon season, Adam got to eat Antelope. When not playing on the range, Antelope makes a damn fine kabob.
June 2000 Adam and Andrea are taken on a second cruise with Adam's parents. Many suspect a ring will be given on this cruise. Adam realizes this and proves many wrong.
June 2000 Secret Mission RQX25 is successful. Ring retrieved.
July 8, 2000 Adam rings Andrea and asks to engage her at the Nissely Vineyards in Columbia, PA. Andrea (and now Adam's) friend Lisa accompany them to 1) make sure we all behave like little ladies and gentlemen and 2) to roll around in the grass secretly taking pictures while A & A "go for a walk" in the vineyards.

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